Monday, April 19, 2010

Repo Men

Set in the near future, "Repo Men" tells the tale of Remy (Jude Law) and his partner Jake (Forest Whitaker), two ex-soldiers turned collection agents for the company known as The Union. The Union specializes in the sale of artificial organs. for a price, you can get a new life. Unfortunately, if you can't make your payments, they can repossess it. It was almost disturbing to see the two characters go about their day, stunning their clients, then opening them up and taking back what is owed them. Leaving the unlucky defaulters dying in a pool of their own blood. How this can be legal I have no idea. The plot turns, however, when Remy suffers an accident and has to be fitted with his own mechanical organ. Suddenly, his heart is no longer in it, literally, and he becomes a mark. Though there are a few bad-ass moments, where Jude Law shows off his buff bod and fighting skills, the movie ends with a predicatable twist, and I felt, an overabundance of amateur surgery. This movie is a rental, definitely not worth $12.50. But possibly worth the $4.99.

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