Sunday, April 18, 2010

DVD - Avatar

"Avatar" comes out for sale this Thursday the 22nd. The release dated seemed a little quick to me. Then I realized that the timing coincided perfectly with the release of the new 3D televisions. It's not gonna work boys, sorry. While I do enjoy the occasional 3D feature, and believe me "Avatar" is the last one I'm gonna see for a while now that they have raised the prices, I'm not about to run out and buy a whole new T.V. If you haven't seen "Avatar" yet, then you have officially run out of excuses. I'm not going to describe the plot as I normally do, because I don't want to ruin it for you if you haven't seen it. If you have, you could never forget it. I plan on buying just a regular copy of the film, not the collector's super-ultra bluray edition. But if you want to spend the extra cash, go for it. There was a lot of talk about the hidden meaning behind the film, and controversy over director James Cameron. I don't pay attention to any of that nonsense. It was an awesome movie. Though I wouldn't describe as the advertisements do "The Greatest Film of All Time", it was well worth the extra money I spent to see it in IMAX 3D. And now, it's going to be well worth the extra money to buy it on DVD. Keeper!

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