Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Bounty Hunter

From the same director that brought us “Hitch” and “Sweet Home Alabama”, comes yet another piece of evidence that proves my current belief; Romantic comedies are dead. Yep, sorry folks, it’s gone. Ladies, I am especially sad to say that those movies that you force your man through have been bad enough lately to make you want to consider an action film. Jennifer Aniston still looks great for a 41 year old, and I have enjoyed some of her movies in the past. And Gerard Butler, well, he had me after “300”. But any at least mildly intelligent person could have guessed this movie from the previews alone. Butler portrays Milo Boyd, an ex-cop turned fugitive finder, who’s more broken up about his recent divorce than he let’s himself realize. Jennifer plays Nicole Hurley, a reporter who let’s her own pursuit of personal success distract her from her commitments to the law. Let the chase begin. Ok, I get it, you both are in a relationship, and you wanted to do a film together. But, being professionals, you must know by now that the combination rarely works. I’ll be honest, Butler’s recent transistion into romantic comedies never really felt right to me anyway, and “The Ugly Truth” brought me some chuckles, but this was bad. Gentlemen, if your girl recommends this one on dinner-and-a-movie night, please recommend another one as harshly as you can get away with. Ladies, if you recommend this, you’re just being mean.

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