Friday, March 26, 2010

Are you kidding me?

Apparently making money isn't the first goal of some production companies. Production has begun on "Ghost Rider 2". Are you kidding me? The first one, starring Nicholas Cage, was a complete and total disaster. It's one of the many movies that he has done that really make me wonder what goes through his head when he picks which roles to take. Honestly, I think he flips a coin. His choices seem to be about 50 / 50 anyway. He makes a good film, then a bad one. Flip, "National Treasure". Flip, "Bangkok Dangerous". Flip, "Knowing". Flip, "Lord of War". Flip, "The Wicker Man". See a pattern? I know I do. So next time you see an advertisement for a new Nicholas Cage movie, find a coin.


  1. I totally agree. This movie was not great and I doubt made thatmuch money


  2. It didn't, trust me. Thanks for reading Jami!
