Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Losers

Who would have thought that from the director of "Stomp the Yard", and the writer of "Friday Night Lights" would come one of the best action movies of the year. Thank you Sylvain White and Peter Berg. "The Losers" is loosely based on a DC Vertigo comic book called "Ante Up", written by Andy Giggle and illustrated by artist Jock. So, naturally it's opening credits is an awesome compilation of the artwork. An elite CIA black ops team takes on a mission to laser a drug facility for destruction when everything goes wrong. Suddenly, the helicopter they were supposed to make their escape on is a flaming heap, and they learn that they have been betrayed. Now considered killed in action, the team bides their time in Burma, unable to return to the states. Suddenly, in walks Aisha, along with the opportunity for revenge. This film is full of stars at their best. The leader of the team is Clay, (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) who you may recall from his role as The Comedian in "Watchmen". A hard but honorable man, the team is his family, and he will do anything to protect them. Clay knows how to get the most out of his squad, and they know that he has a soft spot when it comes to dangerous women. So when he meets Aisha, (Zoe Saldana) who is also known as Neytiri on planet Pandora, he is more than eager to help her achieve her goal. Though the rest of the guys may be hesitant to trust her, Aisha becomes an invaluable and ultimately indispensable part of the mission. Adding his own boyish humor is Jensen, (Chris Evans) who played the human torch in fantastic four and will be seen soon as Captain America. Jensen adds the humor to otherwise serious situations. His quick witted dialogue is superb and brings numerous chuckles in it's wake. Taking up the bad guy role is Max, (Jason Patric) who I will always recall as Lorenzo 'Shakes' Carcaterra in "Sleepers" (see previous post on that exquisite film). Max is a truly evil nemesis in every sense of the word. He cares for nothing and no one, only his own fortune and ambition, and will destroy anyone that stands in his way. Unfortunately for him, this time it's a ragtag team that were supposed to be dead. A non-stop joyride filled with great special effects and snappy dialogue, "The Losers" is a great flick and a good time. Well worth the money.

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