Saturday, June 5, 2010

Alice In Wonderland

Tim Burton has rarely left a good taste in my mouth. Though I must admit that there are fleeting moments of intrigue in his works, I still haven't forgiven him for mucking up the "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" remake. That being said, I am grateful to Tim for the following : "Beetle Juice" (1988 - starring Michael Keaton & Geena Davis), the original "Batman" (1989 - starring Michael Keaton & Jack Nicholson), and "Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" - (2007 - starring Johnny Depp & Helena Bonham Carter). So, with his current obssessions (Johnny Depp & Helena Bonham Carter) on hand, he released "Alice in Wonderland" in March. It was his most successful film yet, pulling in over 1 billion worldwide, which also makes it, to date, the highest grossing film of 2010. Now, I must be honest here, I did not go and see this movie in the theatres. I had a feeling that it would be best to be patient, and what for the DVD release. It didn't take long. Four months later, it was on the shelves. After brief consideration, I tossed it into my cart. The film wasn't nearly as deplorable as the critics described. But then again, by now, I've learned that if the mainstream media hate a film, chances are I'm gonna like it. Visually, it was stunning. I understand why it was available in 3D. Though it has been a while since I've read the literary version by Lewis Carroll, I do recall tidbits, and the movie touched on all of them save the walrus and the oysters. Johnny Depp did well as the Hatter, though Alice was a little droll, no wait, on second thought, she was perfect. Helena Bonham Carter portrays the red queen wondrously. This film is entertaining, though I don't regret purchasing it, you might. I recommend that you rent or Netflix this film and then decide if you want to spend the cash. Oh, and I also recommend that you fast forward through the first half hour or so, and tune back in when she falls down the rabbit hole. You'll thank me.

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