Monday, May 31, 2010

Please, Mr. Tracy Morgan, stop.

I have nothing against you personally. I'm sure that you are a decent and good man. You had some funny moments on SNL, so I do believe you used to have at least some measure of talent. But I beg you, please stop making films. Never once in your career have you ever played any other role but the ridiculous and ignorant side kick. I honestly believe that when some films call for an african-american character, they choose you for two reasons: you are the cheapest, and you have no shame in accepting roles. I have recently viewed your last two films. "Death at a Funeral" and "Cop Out". They both sucked. Apparently combining Martin Lawrence, Danny Glover, and Chris Rock in an urban remake of a british comedy was a bad idea. You just made it even worse. Even when paired with Bruce Willis, I found you annoying at best. It should be obvious by now that none of the movies you have been in have made any profit. So either the movies are crap, or you are. In any case, you should call it quits. For all of us Tracy, Let it go.

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