Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Nothing says "Happy Mother's Day" like a good horror film. To celebrate our wondrous mother, my sisters and I took her to a movie, and being the cool mother she is, she let us choose. We selected the newest remake of the classic thriller, "A Nightmare on Elm Street". Director Samuel Bayer brings us a whole new Freddy Krueger, but a surprisingly familiar plot line. In between the numerous and excellent "jump" moments, (sudden mini-heart attacks which my little sis did not enjoy at all), I couldn't help but to notice the little bits of nostalgia. Certain scenes that were mirror images of the original. Allow me, for a moment, to show my age. Remember the original "Nightmare on Elm Street"? I'm sorry to say it kids, but it premiered in 1984. The current remake included numerous throwbacks to the classic; the lead character's name; the ceiling death scene (which should have been bloodier I think); the creepy little girls jumping rope and singing 'One, two, Freddy's coming for you...'; the 'I'm trying to run away but shit, the floor is now goo' scene; the razored hand coming out of the drain in the bathtub scene; the crappy young actors who dream they are in a boiler room and for some unknown reason walk on into the fire. Yea, it's all there. What isn't there, is the dark and clever dialogue that Freddy maintained with his victims, oh, and the fresh twist that Freddy is now not just a child killer, but a child molester. (Creepy) Sorry Jackie Earle Haley(Rorschach, "Watchmen") though I am a fan of your work, the writers (Wesley Strick & Eric Heisserer) didn't pull through for you. Final diagnosis, I enjoyed it, and I think anyone who can recall staying up late after seeing the original will too. Though you might find yourself longing to rent the Wes Craven version. Worth the money to see? Hell ya! Keeper? Na, but close.

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