Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Strap yourselves in for a 111 minute bad-ass thrill ride! From director Robert Schwentke, who broght us "The Time Traveler's Wife" and tv show "Lie To Me", comes the latest Bruce Willis action adventure. Willis portrays Frank Moses, who, like many of his other comrades, is retired CIA. The film's title "Red" actually stands originally as R.E.D.- retired, extremely dangerous. Enough said.

Frank Moses is retired. Retired and extremely bored. He sits in his home, literally, watching the minutes tick by. His only social interaction with the outside world is with a clerk in the agency's retirement benifits department, Sarah Ross, (Mary-Louise Parker -"Weeds" & "Fried Green Tomatoes") who finds herself falling for a man she's never met. She is constantly apologizing for the pension checks that are not arriving, even though Moses is actually tearing them up just to have a reason to call again. When a deadly firing squad make short work of his home, naturally Moses makes short work of them, and he goes on the run, trying to discern who is out to get him and along the way, to recruit the old gang.

His first stop, naturally, is Sarah's apartment. She is less than enthusiastic to see a strange man in her home. With her in tow, we are introduced one by one to an all star cast of retirees, who aren't technically as retired as they seem. Joe Matheson, (Morgan Freeman - "Shawshank Redemption" & "The Bucket List") is plucked from his nursing home, where he spends most of his time checkin out nurses. Marvin Boggs, (John Malkovich -"Rounders" & "Con Air") he picks up in the bayou, where a lifetime of paranoia finally pays off. And finally, Victoria (Helen Mirren - "The Queen" & "National Treasure 2") who admits as she reveals her hidden automatic weapon, that she occasionally takes 'jobs on the side'. Every actor is perfect for their role. An all star cast, combined with an action-packed script. A great time, a great movie!

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