Monday, May 31, 2010

Please, Mr. Tracy Morgan, stop.

I have nothing against you personally. I'm sure that you are a decent and good man. You had some funny moments on SNL, so I do believe you used to have at least some measure of talent. But I beg you, please stop making films. Never once in your career have you ever played any other role but the ridiculous and ignorant side kick. I honestly believe that when some films call for an african-american character, they choose you for two reasons: you are the cheapest, and you have no shame in accepting roles. I have recently viewed your last two films. "Death at a Funeral" and "Cop Out". They both sucked. Apparently combining Martin Lawrence, Danny Glover, and Chris Rock in an urban remake of a british comedy was a bad idea. You just made it even worse. Even when paired with Bruce Willis, I found you annoying at best. It should be obvious by now that none of the movies you have been in have made any profit. So either the movies are crap, or you are. In any case, you should call it quits. For all of us Tracy, Let it go.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Edge of Darkness

As per usual, the critics were mistaken. "Edge of Darkness" starring Mel Gibson, in his first leading role in eight years, was a good one. We finally have our Mel back. And personally, I missed him. If you are a fan, as I am, you will appreciate this movie. Now, I have to say it, everyone that I spoke to about this film expressed ill feelings for it. They claimed that "he couldn't pull off the accent", that he was "too old for the role". On the contrary, I felt that this role was the accumulation of all his best. From the man (Martin Campbell), who brought us “The mask of Zorro”, “Casino Royale” and soon to bring us “The Green Lantern” (starring Ryan Reynolds by the way), comes the gripping story of Thomas Craven, a Boston homicide detective who watched as his daughter was killed right beside him. Now, it’s time for vengeance, Gibson style. The harder he tries to find his daughter’s killer, the more secrets he reveals. Ending in a spectacular crescendo, this movie reminds you why Mel is one of our top actors. As I grip the dashboard of this wild ride, a few times digging my fingernails in, I am taken through all of the great characters that he has brought to life. The crazed Martin Riggs, the vengeful Porter, the passionate William Wallace, and the noble Lt. Colonel Hal Moore. These characters are only memorable because of Mel Gibson, and I thank him for every one of them, and for his return.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Name Your Top Five Favorite Sports Movies

Name your top five favorite sports movies...


Remember The Titans
Field of Dreams
Major League
The Blind Side

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Nothing says "Happy Mother's Day" like a good horror film. To celebrate our wondrous mother, my sisters and I took her to a movie, and being the cool mother she is, she let us choose. We selected the newest remake of the classic thriller, "A Nightmare on Elm Street". Director Samuel Bayer brings us a whole new Freddy Krueger, but a surprisingly familiar plot line. In between the numerous and excellent "jump" moments, (sudden mini-heart attacks which my little sis did not enjoy at all), I couldn't help but to notice the little bits of nostalgia. Certain scenes that were mirror images of the original. Allow me, for a moment, to show my age. Remember the original "Nightmare on Elm Street"? I'm sorry to say it kids, but it premiered in 1984. The current remake included numerous throwbacks to the classic; the lead character's name; the ceiling death scene (which should have been bloodier I think); the creepy little girls jumping rope and singing 'One, two, Freddy's coming for you...'; the 'I'm trying to run away but shit, the floor is now goo' scene; the razored hand coming out of the drain in the bathtub scene; the crappy young actors who dream they are in a boiler room and for some unknown reason walk on into the fire. Yea, it's all there. What isn't there, is the dark and clever dialogue that Freddy maintained with his victims, oh, and the fresh twist that Freddy is now not just a child killer, but a child molester. (Creepy) Sorry Jackie Earle Haley(Rorschach, "Watchmen") though I am a fan of your work, the writers (Wesley Strick & Eric Heisserer) didn't pull through for you. Final diagnosis, I enjoyed it, and I think anyone who can recall staying up late after seeing the original will too. Though you might find yourself longing to rent the Wes Craven version. Worth the money to see? Hell ya! Keeper? Na, but close.